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Ġenna ta' Ġonna 15th October 2017

James Byrne

Artists showed off their talents at the Genna ta’ Gonna festival recently.Members of Outdoor Artists set up shop in Floriana to display their work and initiatives.The event, organised by Floriana Local Council, involved a medley of creative and charitable organisations setting up stalls and attractions for the public.

Outdoor Artists catered for 6 visual artists, who displayed their work – Martin Borg, Miyuki Sugihara, Maria Somers, Alfie Gatt, Peter Pugh-Jones and Clive Gerada.

The organisation also invited poets Miriam Calleja and James Byrne to enhance the event by reading poetry and George Attard and Denica Apostolovsca by performing music.

As part of its stall, Outdoor Artists displayed various works including the poems of the late Dwardu Zarb, which were being distributed for a small donation.

Outdoor Artists would like to thank the Floriana Local Council and all the volunteers who helped out during the event.

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