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Clive Gerada

Lisbon and Malta... A Partnership

After a month and a half artistic trip, Outdoor Artists is back with a baggage full of experiences as well as new opportunities . Throughout the past month and a half the Artists’ Organization was collaborating with CHOCAhouse Lisbon, were ideas were shared and future collaborations were made, while also learning about Lisbon’s Street Art scene and Graffiti.

What is CHOCAhouse? CHOCAhouse is a community apartment, run by David Meehan, a British Expat who has been living in Lisbon for 30 years. David introduced the concept of CHOCAhouse in order to have artists living under the same roof, and create and work together on different aspects of art, be it; Music, Performing arts and Visual Arts. Workshops for the general public are also organised in CHOCAhouse. These include : Vegetarian cooking evenings, life figure drawing workshops, Urban Sketching and Open Jam sessions. The house also provides shelter to couchsurfers for a maximum period of 3 nights and endorses sustainability by MAKING ITS OWN furniture. ( iit also helps to reduce carbon emission by not using chemical products for cleaning)

How will CHOCAhouse and Outdoor Artists benefit with their Partnership? Both entities have learned a lot from each other, hoping that what is learnt is applied accordingly. In the meantime Outdoor Artists was offered the opportunity to invite artists TO CHOCAhouse with the aim to help with the administration, while Outdoor Artists have offered CHOCAhouse help with their social media, as well as help any artist who plans his/her trip to Malta. Outdoor artists also introduced the Creatives Networking Evening at CHOCAhouse, so both entities have a common activity with which artists can CONNECT with.

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