Events 2012/2013
Sk8 Park - ''The Wall''
January 2013

In collaboration with the Zejtun local council (In particular Steff Fenech), the youths@Local & HSBC, we helped in creating a Mural for the local community.

The 3nchanted Forest
December 2012
We met on this day, with the following theme in our mind: Will you be a fairy roaming around trees? a photographer catching every micro detail of insects roaming the forest? a poet inspired by the lovely guitar music coming from behind the bushes? which in turn emits tunes revolving around the theme? or will you be a painter trying to catch in your paintings the ghost of the white lady? it is up to you and up to your creation!
Abandoned Murales
November 2012

An activity held at the abandoned white rocks complex in Pembroke. People from different artistic backgrounds have participated in the activity. Each artist has setup him/herself in a room and expressed his/her talent in a very interesting way. In this activity one could see an artistic installation, musical and acting performance, mural artist, and photography.