Message from the President and Founder
Mr.Clive Gerada
The idea of ‘’Outdoor artists’’ was born in November 2012, where I, together with one of my colleagues, decided to meet in Had-Dingli and sit down by the Madliena Chapel and paint en plain air. Unexpectedly, this attracted a good number of visitors who started to appreciate our work. Due to this unexpected response, it clicked in my mind that if we stayed practicing our artistic skills indoors, nobody would have had the opportunity to appreciate what we were doing. This experience was of a great incentive to my way of thinking and helped me better understand that there were many artists with different artistic backgrounds who never had the opportunity to showcase their talents, either because it is their choice of life or else because they never had someone pushing them to do so.
As an organisation we believe that it is due time that we have an entity which caters for artists’ needs, even though the art scene is on the rise in Malta, one of our aims as an organisation is to help hasten the process of Art appreciation by the general public and to help the latter to better understand what it entails to be an artist. Hence the idea of creating outdoor artists as a non-profit organisation, to be reachable to every person whose talent falls under the creativity umbrella.
We thank you for your interest in forming part of ‘’Outdoor Artists’’ and look forward to work together as a team by sharing ideas and experiences. Once Plato was quoted saying ‘’The beginning is the most important part of the work.’’ Therefore let’s work together for a better future towards the Arts.
As the first Chairperson of this organisation, together with my colleagues; Roberta, Eric, and Abigail we promise to take all the efforts needed to help visual, literature and performing artists to practise and exhibit their talents.
A special thanks goes to the inspiring actress Marie Keiser-Nielsen, who was one of the first members who actively joined ‘’Outdoor Artists’’ two years ago, while we were not still established as an organisation. Her interest was of a great incentive for the development of this organisation.
Clive has been working as an art teacher for the past six years, he has been involved in the English Language Schools industry for the past ten years, and was as well involved in other organisations such as NSTS and USTA.
During the committee meeting we discussed various important aspects of the Arts.Together we have embarked on building a bridge to help aspiring artists get in touch with the local society. Therefore our first objective as an organization will be that of building a contact list of artists, art suppliers and other contacts which somehow can give a helping hand to emerging artists.